hello readers ,This website will be helpful for the people who like to participate in paper presentations and project competitions, we are planning to add placement papers in this blog further...plz make use of this blog.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Don't you want your final-year project to be recognized by the industry? Who says your hard work will not be appreciated?

Register today for the All India Engineering Project Innovation contest.

Several of your classmates have already registered! Don't be left out. You will be able to see your classmates once you register.
In fact, you were referred to us by one of your classmates.

What do you get by registering?
1. Exposure. You can see how final-year engineers across India (be it from IIT/ NIT or any other colleges) are working on interesting projects. You can connect & interact with them.
2. Internship/ Job: Selected students get internship or job opportunities from companies like Microsoft, Yahoo!, IBM, CA, NetApp, EMC, Tibco and Mindlogicx.
3. Employability:  You get direct visibility among HR managers of several leading technology companies thereby increasing your chances to find your DREAM JOB

Don't forget to register NOW! It is FREE. It takes less than 5 minutes.

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