hello readers ,This website will be helpful for the people who like to participate in paper presentations and project competitions, we are planning to add placement papers in this blog further...plz make use of this blog.

Friday, December 11, 2009

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11 comments: on " "

Evening fragrance said...

culd u post any papers related to the above given topics...

1. Neural networks and fuzzy logic applications in power systems

2. Very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI)

3. Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS)

4. Artificial intelligence

5. Latest energy efficient devices

6. Distributed generation

7. Nanotechnology and Nano electronics

8. Supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA)

9. Latest trends in power quality and utility applications

10. Latest trends in power system protection

11. Brush less DC motor

12. High voltage DC transmission (HVDC) - latest developments

nice blog
thanx in advance...will be waiting fr ur reply

krans said...

sorry 4 d late reply.......

Unknown said...

hi..your blog is very nice....

Unknown said...

could you post papers related to open source technology???will be waiting for your reply

krans said...

Hi kanaga,
i do not have any idea about dis technology but still i got some files about open source,hope this files are useful to you.

Unknown said...

hi pal, this blog ll be really useful for many. good work u do :) but as i am from chemical engineering and i am not able to find anything regarding my field. can u please help me?

thanks in advance

Unknown said...

thanks yar ....files which u uploaded will really help me :)thanks a lot once again

krans said...

thank u...check out chemical papers

Evening fragrance said...

can u plz post papers on Home automation
Urgently needed

Unknown said...

i need a topic for my technical presentation..
i m in ece branch
any unique topic with sufficient info.

Maharaja said...

Hi kanaga, open source really the untouchabel gr8 thing... ok let it to know to me... which area r u interested... coz open source s/w and tchnoogy are in every area or field.. specify the correct fied of ur interest...