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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Certified PHP/MySQL web developer course (online)

This course has been developed in collaboration with dozens of hiring companies in India and U.S. to prepare fresh graduates to work as php/mysql web developers.

  • There are more then 200 companies in India who hire fresh graduates for web development using php and mysql. Normally companies have to give 2-3 months of full time training in php and mysql to new hires. This course provides this real life training for web development before graduates join a company. This will help the companies save 3 months of time and 50,000 to 100,000 Rs that companies spend in salaries and training of fresh graduates before they become productive.
  • We do not expect our students to memorize some concepts or trick questions or programming examples to pass a test. We prepare them to be real software developer where they are able to fix existing code, develop new code to build web applications, document and be able to explain what their code or someone else code does.
  • We require that students have access to a laptop or PC to install required software and work on real problems as part of this course. Students also learn html,css , javascript and smarty because all this is needed for a web developer along with php and mysql.
  • Course consist of prepared lecture notes, videos of lectures, live access to teachers for 12 hours a day, hundreds of real life assignments plus sharing of best assignments from classS
  • Software development is essentially a group activity; so students take part in group discussions, learn to comment on each others code and work on group projects to prepare for working as web developers.
  • Hiring companies have access to all the assignments and projects done by students so they can select best overall programmers for their jobs, just not the students who score well in exams or can talk well in interview.
More details:
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