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Friday, July 9, 2010

4G communications

The popularity and evolution of mobile devices like laptops, mobile phones and Personal Digital Assistants
(PDA), and the evolution of fast mobile networks in the last decade, have made it possible to increase the
complexity  of  mobile  applications  and  services provided to end-users. It is also a spectacular growth
in  multimedia  communication  especially  via  the World Wide Web. This paper explore some of the
current  technology  of  mobile  devices,  mobile networks and multimedia systems, and is based on the
exploration  outline  some  issues  for  design  and development of mobile multimedia systems in 4G
Mobile Communication System. Fourth-generation mobile  communication  systems  will  combine
standardized streaming with a range of unique services to provide high-quality content ( Multimedia ) that
meets the specific needs of the rapidly growing mobile market. By offering higher data-transmission rates up
to 20 Mbps more than 3G for wide-area coverage and local-area coverage, 4G systems will be able to
provide high quality streamed content to the rapidly growing mobile market.

For whole paper
another one for reference 

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