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Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Every system is automated in order to face new challenges in the present day situation. Automated systems have less manual operations, so that the flexibility, reliabilities are high and accurate. Hence every field prefers automated control systems. Especially in the field of electronics automated systems are doing better performance increasingly. In present days every people is going to plan a tour at least once a year with their family members. Many of those have not aware of the places where they go and how long they have to go, all these things.                

         Probably the most useful thing to know about the global system for mobile communication is that it is an international standard. If you travel in parts of world, GSM is only type of cellular service available. Instead of analog services, GSM was developed as a digital system using TDMA technology. The GSM modem which got interfaced to microcontroller receives message from authorized person. Controller searches for required information in data base. At that time LCD displays the present status. GSM modem collects proper addresses from controller then the return message will be send to an authorized person. 
          Every system is automated in order to face new challenges in the present day situation. Automated systems have less manual operations, so that the flexibility, reliabilities are high and accurate. Hence every field prefers automated control systems. Especially in the field of electronics automated systems are doing better performance.               
          Probably the most useful thing to know about the global system for mobile communication is that it is an international standard. If you travel in parts of world, GSM is only type of cellular service available. Instead of analog services, GSM was developed as a digital system using TDMA technology.

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