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Monday, November 15, 2010

Design and implementation of brain controlled wheelchair

Traditionally the brain has been under constant research and the source of numerous technologies. One such
technology, brain machine interface, is the extraction of brain signals and their use in real time applications. The brain consists of three main regions of which the cerebellum is focused on by this technology. This technology uses electrodes to extract signals from corresponding regions of the brain and use these signals to operate devices.
                                              This paper does progressive work and continues in the lines of research done
presently in this field and their applications. The concentration is given to a wheelchair that has been designed to work on the extracted brain signals. Extraction of brain signals from various regions of the brain using both invasive and noninvasive techniques and the use of this signal in real time applications has been shown in this paper with the development of brain controlled wheel (BCW) chair, a device
for persons with total neural failure and other degenerative neural disorders. The model for BCW has been simulated with necessary algorithms and programs. Finally the unbound applications of this technology in
futuristic applications have been shown in this paper.

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