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Monday, November 15, 2010


                             Earthquakes and Tsunamis strike without warning. The resulting damage can be minimized and lives can be saved if the people living in the earth quake-prone area are already prepared to survive the strike. This requires a warning before the strong ground motion from the earthquake arrives. Such a warning system is possible because the energy wave released at the epicenter travels slower (at 3.5 to 8km/s) than light, which is the principle behind developing this application.
                          The warning signal from the earthquake or tsunami epicenter can be transmitted to different places using the satellite communication network, fiber-optics network, pager service, cellphone service or a combination of these. The satellite based wireless network such as ISS is idle if system has to cover a large continent like ASIA.
                                                   The credential part of the paper lies in the applications part where the applications of ISS as an alert system for “EARTHQUAKE and TSUNAMI” like natural disasters with which the casualties can be reduced drastically. For EARTHQUAKE, TSUNAMI-prone countries like Indonesia, Japan seismic alert system using the ISS network spread throughout the earth is proposed here.
           This paper unleashes the system facts such as the network architecture and coverage, satellite constellation, Frequency plan and modulation of ISS system and its operation along with its advantages and applications. Last but not least, the innovative application of ISS as TSUNAMI, EARTHQUAKE alert system is explained in brief.
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