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Friday, November 12, 2010


With the increase in technology threat to personal data and national security had also increased .The methods that were developed to secure important information from outside intervention were not up to safe mark .There was a need to introduce a technology that secures our data more efficiently from unlawful intervention .
 Fujitsu has developed a palm vein pattern authentication technology that uses vescular patterns as personal identification data .Vein recognition technology is secure because the authentication data exists inside the body and is therefore very difficult to forge. It is highly accurate.  This technology can be used in various fields like banking, hospitals, government offices, in passport issuing etc. Business growth will be achieved with these solutions by reducing the size of the palm vein sensor and shortening the authentication time. This paper is about the palm vein technology, its applications, how this technology is applied in real time applications and the advantages of using this technology.

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